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Showing posts from August, 2013
LAST DATE FOR FORM DP-1 FURTHER EXTENDED LAST DATE FOR FILING OF FORM DP-1 ONLINE HAS BEEN FURTHER EXTENDED WIDE NOTIFICATION DATED 26-08-2013 In further modification to Notification  dated 20.06.2013 regarding submission of Form DP-1, the last date for filing the form online has been further extended as per the schedule as given below. Class of Dealers Last date for submission of information online in Form DP-1 All dealers registered with Trade and Taxes Dept. (Delhi) 16/09/2013 COPY OF NOTIFICATION


DVAT - सभी व्यापारियों के " C form" इत्यादी लेना हुआ आसान I अब 2011-2012 और उससे पहले के साल के फॉर्म भी मिलेंगे ऑनलाइन I व्यापार एवं कर विभाग, दिल्ली ने वर्ष 2012-13 के सभी C form इत्यादि पहले ही ऑनलाइन देने की सुविधा व्यापारी को दे दी थी I परंतू 2011-12 और उससे पहले के साल अब तक भी विभाग से manual issue करवाने पड़ते थे I अब दिल्ली सरकार ने सर्कुलर संख्या 13 dtd 23/08/2013 के जरिये वर्ष 2011-12 और उससे पहले के सभी फार्म जैसे की (C, F, H, E-1 and E-2) ऑनलाइन देने की सुविधा शुरू कर दी है. इस प्रक्रिया को सरकार ने चार भागों में बांटा है, जो की इस प्रकार है : १.       व्यापारी द्वारा डीलर लॉग इन में जा कर उन व्यापारियों का विवरण भरा जाएगा जिन्हें C फार्म इत्यादि दिए जाने हैं I समय-समय पर यह विवरण देते समय व्यापारी अपनी सूची को ध्यानपूर्वक परख सकते हैं I ऐसा करने से गलती होने की संभावना बहुत कम हो जाती है I २.       व्यापारियों का विवरण देने के पश्चात हमें एक " Requisition Form"  भरना होगा जिसमे हमें अपन...
Online issuance of Central Statutory Forms for the Years PRIOR to Financial Year 2012-13. Circular No. 13 2013-14 dtd. 23.08.2013 Procedure for issuance of central statutory declaration forms (C, F, H, E-1 and E-2) for the year prior to 2012-13 i.e. FY 2011-12 and the period before that. This procedure is divided into four parts: MODE PROCEDURE 1.      Online Filing up the details such as name, amount, TIN etc. of the selling parties to whom forms are to be issued. 2.      Online Filing of requisition with complete details. 3.      Online + Manual Verification and approval of requisition by VATO 4.      Online Download the forms. PROCEDURE DETAILS Filing up the details such as name, amount, TIN etc. of the selling parties to whom forms are to be issued. ...

Fwd: DVAT – Stock 1 को online file करने की अंतिम तिथि फिर बढ़ी |

व्यापार एवं कर विभाग ने ऐसा प्रवधान लागू किया था , की हर व्यापारी , जो विभाग के साथ पंजिकृत है उसे अपनी  31 st march  की  stock details online  भरनी होगी और ऐसा करने के लिए सरकार ने व्यापारी को  30 june  तक का समय दिया था | यानी वर्ष  2012-13  की  stock details  जो की हमारी किताबों में  31/03/2013  को होंगी , उन्हें हमें  30/06/2013  तक  online file  करना था | ऐसा करने में व्यापारी को खासी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता | क्योंकि आयकर विभाग की ओर से व्यापारी को अपने खाते तैयार करने के लिए  31 st  July  ओर  30 th  September  तक का समय दिया जाता है | ( जिनका ऑडिट होना है उनके लिए  30 th September  , और जिनका ऑडिट नहीं होना होता उनके लिए  31 st  July  )  | इस बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए दिल्ली सरकार ने  Notification dated 28/06/2013  के जरिए इस तारीख को बढाया था | जिसके बाद : 1.         जिन व्यापा...

Last Date For Stock Statement Further Extended

DVAT- STOCK STATEMENT AS ON 31.03.2013 The last date for filing of Stock Statement in form Stock-1 online for stock available on 31st March 2013, has been further extended as detailed below Class of Dealers Last Date for filing of stock statement in Form Dealers having Gross Turnover (GTO) upto Rs. 1 crore during the year 2012-13 16/09/2013 16th September 2013 The last date for filing the statement for Dealers having GTO above Rs. 1 Crore the last date is unchanged and remains to be 05/10/2013. For copy of notification click here


LAST DATE FOR FILING FORM DVAT 48  RETURN for TDS on VAT FoR QuartER 1 OF 2013-14 EXTENDED Form of Quarterly Return by the Contractee for the  quarter ending The Value Added Tax Department  in  modification to Circular No. 8 dtd. 25/07/2013 has vide Circular No. 10 dated 06.08.2013, extended the last date for filing online Return for the first quarter 2013-14 for Contractor Dealers for filing information regarding Deduction of Tax at Source (TDS) to 29.08.2013. The hard copy of the return is to be submitted latest by 31.08.2013 COPY OF CIRCULAR Copy of Circular is also available on


LAST DATE FOR FILING VAT RETURN FOR FIRST QUARTER OF 2013-14 FURTHER EXTENDED The Value Added Tax Department  in  modification to Circular No. 7 dtd. 26/07/2013 has vide Circular No. 9 dated 06.08.2013, further extended the last date for filing online Return for the first quarter 2013-14. Class of Return Last date for online filing Last date for Hard Copy Returns - DVAT 16, DVAT 17 29/08/2013 31/08/2013 Annexure 2C and 2D which form part of the return. 07/09/2013 10/09/2013 However it may be noted that the due date for depositing tax is not changed. Copy of notification also available at COPY OF NOTIFICATION
Last date for filing Stock Statement Further Extended DVAT- STOCK STATEMENT AS ON 31.03.2013 In partial modification to Notification No. F.7(433)/Policy-II/VAT/ 2012/Part File/353-365 dated 28/06/2012 for filing of Stock Statement in form Stock-1 online for stock available on 31st March 2013, the last date has been further extended as detailed below Class of Dealers Last Date for filing of stock statement in Form Dealers having Gross Turnover (GTO) upto Rs. 1 crore during the year 2012-13 19/08/2013 19th August 2013 The last date for filing the statement for Dealers having GTO above Rs. 1 Crore the last date is unchanged and remains to be 05/10/2013.                                       COPY OF NOTIFICATION

Service Tax Return Utility for October to March Available

Service Tax - Return Utility for  Oct. 2012 to March 2013  (II nd Half of 2012-13)  now  available on ACES Dear Friends, The Offline Excel utility for filing half-yearly Service Tax Return (ST-3) for the period October 2012 to March 2013 is now available in the ACES website,   The online version of the same will be made available shortly. It is to be noted that the due date for filing the Return has already been announced to be  31st August 2013  vide Order No. 3/2013 - ST dated 23.04.2013.